Speeding in Summers Landing
Speeding was a MAJOR topic of discussion at the annual meeting in January 2023.
The consensus was that it is a significant problem with no easy solution. The speed on all Summers Landing roads is 25MPH. Whether one believes it is too low or too high is irrelevant because that is what the posted speed limit is, and anyone who exceeds that speed is violating the law. It is also common for a vehicle to roll through stop signs.
The Summers Landing Board of Directors will ask the Spotsylvania County Sheriff's Office for more enforcement, recognizing that the Sheriff's Office resources could be more extensive.
The residents at the meeting agreed that the volume of complaints had much to do with the kind of response we're likely to get from the Sheriff's Office. Therefore, residents concerned about speeding on their street are advised first to gather information about the day of the week, the time of day, and even descriptions of specific vehicles speeding before calling that information into the Spotsylvania County Sheriff's Office. The more detailed the report, the more likely we will get a patrol car in our area at those specific times and locations.
The Spotsylvania County Sheriff's Office telephone number is (540) 582-7160